Misconceptions about (Regular) Views Revealed when Presenting Editioning Views – Part 2

In a previous post I wrote about one misconception about views that is revealed when I talk about Editioning Views in my EBR (Edition-Based Redefinition) presentations.

This post is about another misconception.

In the part of the presentation in which I “preach” to cover every table with an Editioning View and to replace every reference to tables in the code with reference to the corresponding Editioning Views, I usually get the following question from the audience: “but what about DML?”.

Everybody knows that you can SELECT from a view, but there is a misconception that you cannot perform INSERT, UPDATE, MERGE or DELETE statements directly on a view.

So the truth is that (assuming you have been granted the necessary privileges) you can perform DML statements on every view (although it may require some additional work sometimes), except if the view is defined with the WITH READ ONLY clause.

The high-level general rule is that if Oracle can transform the statement to work on actual tables (the view’s base tables), in a consistent and deterministic way, without too much trouble, then we don’t need to do anything else – the view is inherently updatable and the DML statement will succeed. In the rest of the cases, although the view is not inherently updatable, we can “teach” it how to react to DML statements – by defining INSTEAD OF triggers.

Upon view creation Oracle analyzes for each of the view’s columns if it’s inherently updatable, and stores this information in the USER/ALL/DBA_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS dictionary views.

Let’s see some examples.

> create table t (
      x number,
      y date,
      z varchar2(100)

Table created.

> create view v as
   select x, y, z as an_alias_for_z from t where x>10 order by y;

View created.

> select column_name,updatable,insertable,deletable
   from user_updatable_columns
  where table_name='V';

------------------------------ --------- --------- ---------
X                              YES       YES       YES
Y                              YES       YES       YES
AN_ALIAS_FOR_Z                 YES       YES       YES

3 rows selected.

> insert into v (x,y,an_alias_for_z) values (1,sysdate,'a');

1 row created. 

> select * from t;

         X Y                   Z
---------- ------------------- ----------
         1 20/06/2016 06:05:12 a

1 row selected.

If the view’s top-level query contains, for example, the DISTINCT operator, then the view is not inherently updatable.

> create or replace view v as
   select distinct x, y, z from t;

View created.

> select column_name,updatable,insertable,deletable
    from user_updatable_columns
   where table_name='V';

------------------------------ --------- --------- ---------
X                              NO        NO        NO
Y                              NO        NO        NO
Z                              NO        NO        NO

3 rows selected.

> insert into v (x, y, z) values (2,sysdate,'b');
insert into v (x, y, z) values (2,sysdate,'b')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01732: data manipulation operation not legal on this view

If a column of the view is defined as an expression, then this column is not inherently updatable, but other “simple” columns are.

> create or replace view v as
    select x, y, upper(z) upper_z from t;

View created.

> select column_name,updatable,insertable,deletable
    from user_updatable_columns
   where table_name='V';

------------------------------ --------- --------- ---------
X                              YES       YES       YES
Y                              YES       YES       YES
UPPER_Z                        NO        NO        NO

3 rows selected.

> insert into v (x, y, upper_z) values (3,sysdate,'C');
insert into v (x, y, upper_z) values (3,sysdate,'C')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01733: virtual column not allowed here

> insert into v (x, y) values (3,sysdate);

1 row created.

> update v set upper_z='C' where x=3;
update v set upper_z='C' where x=3
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01733: virtual column not allowed here

> update v set y=sysdate+1;

2 rows updated.

> select * from t;

         X Y                   Z
---------- ------------------- --------------
         3 21/06/2016 06:07:08
         1 21/06/2016 06:07:08 a

2 rows selected.

Even columns of a join view – a view with more than one base table in its FROM clause – may be inherently updatable (under some restrictions).

> create table p (
    id integer primary key,
    name varchar2(100)

Table created.

> create table c (
    id integer primary key,
    p_id integer references p(id),
    details varchar2(100)

Table created.

> insert into p values (1,'Parent 1');

1 row created.

> insert into p values (2,'Parent 2');

1 row created.

> create or replace view v as
    select c.id,c.p_id,c.details,p.name parent_name
      from p,c
     where p.id = c.p_id;

View created.

> select column_name,updatable,insertable,deletable
    from user_updatable_columns
   where table_name='V';

------------------------------ --------- --------- ---------
ID                             YES       YES       YES
P_ID                           YES       YES       YES
DETAILS                        YES       YES       YES
PARENT_NAME                    NO        NO        NO

4 rows selected.

> insert into v(id,p_id,details,parent_name) values (101,1,'Child 1 of parent 1','Parent 1');
insert into v(id,p_id,details,parent_name) values (101,1,'Child 1 of parent 1','Parent 1')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01776: cannot modify more than one base table through a join view

> insert into v(id,p_id,details) values (101,1,'Child 1 of parent 1');

1 row created.

> update v set parent_name='Parent 8' where id=101;
update v set parent_name='Parent 8' where id=101
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table

> update v set details=upper(details);

1 row updated.

> select * from v;

        ID       P_ID DETAILS                  PARENT_NAME
---------- ---------- ------------------------ ---------------------
       101          1 CHILD 1 OF PARENT 1      Parent 1

1 row selected.

These are just a few examples. For all the details please see the documentation.

And what about Editioning Views?

Editioning Views are deliberately very limited, because they were designed to allow using them in the code instead of using the base tables.

An Editioning View may contain only the SELECT and FROM clauses, the FROM clause refers to a single table, the SELECT list may contain only columns and aliases (no expressions).

Therefore, by definition, Editioning Views are always inherently updatable.


6 thoughts on “Misconceptions about (Regular) Views Revealed when Presenting Editioning Views – Part 2”

  1. Nice account, Oren. I prefer the following specification for the power of expression of the defining subquery for an editioning view.

    The subquery may do ONLY these things:

    1. Project columns of its base table.
    2. Define new names for the projected columns using (or implying) the AS keyword.

    I agree strongly with what you imply: it’s a waste of breath to illustrate, with random examples, what the editioning view’s subquery CANNOT express.

    Not to be mysterious, your wording, “the SELECT list may contain only columns” suffers from the weakness that it allows the same column to be selected more than once with a different alias for each mention. On the other hand, “project” closes this loophole because it means exactly “define a subset”. And a set, by definition, cannot contain the same element more than once. (A set is different from a multiset.)

    Notice how critical formal logic and set theory are to the precise statement of rules about software systems! And, yes: this is an unashamed plug for @ToonKoppelaars’s book “Applied Mathematics for Database Professionals”.

    Bryn Llewellyn
    Product Manager for EBR and PL/SQL
    Oracle HQ

  2. Hi Bryn,

    Was hoping you could help with a problem I am working with tuning a query with an editioning view on EBS.

    I have created an index on a table with an editioning view as well as a sql profile and the query started to fail with the following error:

    Current system time is 06-DEC-2018 20:21:38
    APP-AR-11526: ORA-01732: data manipulation operation not legal on this view

    The editioning view is on one table. The table also already has other indexes. The dba_updateable_columns view indicates that all columns have updatable, deletable and insertable to YES which from reading your article makes it inheritantly updatable.

    Why would creating and index and sql profile cause this query top start to error?


  3. To the extent that I can be confident that I understand your scenario, the outcome that you report is unexpected. I’m embarrassed to see that the text of ORA-01732 doesn’t mention the view name and that it has no “cause” or “action” text. I can only recommend that you open a Service Request with Oracle Support. It should be straightforward. Just create a SQL*Plus script that reproduces the problem—ideally on a “starter” E-Biz database. Show that you get the error when the index and sql profile that your script creates are present and that you don’t get it when they aren’t present.

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