I’ve recently got reminded that assuming something will work, just because it makes sense, doesn’t mean it will really work.
While reviewing some code a few days ago, I saw a query of the following form:
select 'X='||x, collect(z) from t group by x union all select 'Y='||y, collect(z) from t group by y;
I immediately recommended to convert it to use GROUPING SETS; like this:
select decode(grouping(x), 0, 'X='||x, 'Y='||y),
from t
group by grouping sets (x,y);
The code will be shorter, more elegant, and probably more efficient. Great, isn’t it?
The only problem is that it doesn’t work
Let’s create a demo table:
SQL> create table t ( 2 x number, 3 y number, 4 z number 5 ); Table created. SQL> insert into t (x,y,z) 2 select mod(rownum, 2), 3 mod(rownum, 3), 4 rownum 5 from dual 6 connect by level <= 10; 10 rows created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'T') PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
GROUPING SETS works nicely with most of the aggregate functions…
SQL> select decode(grouping(x), 0, 'X='||x, 'Y='||y) grp_by, 2 count(*) "CNT", 3 count(distinct z) "CNT D", 4 sum(z) "SUM", 5 avg(z) "AVG", 6 stddev(z) "STDDEV", 7 min(z) "MIN", 8 max(z) "MAX" 9 from t 10 group by grouping sets (x,y) 11 order by 1; GRP_BY CNT CNT D SUM AVG STDDEV MIN MAX ---------- ---- ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- X=0 5 5 30 6 3.16 2 10 X=1 5 5 25 5 3.16 1 9 Y=0 3 3 18 6 3 3 9 Y=1 4 4 22 5.5 3.87 1 10 Y=2 3 3 15 5 3 2 8 5 rows selected.
… but not with the COLLECT aggregate function.
In Oracle 11.2 and 12.1 we get ORA-604 and ORA-907:
SQL> select decode(grouping(x), 0, 'X='||x, 'Y='||y), 2 collect(z) 3 from t 4 group by grouping sets (x,y); group by grouping sets (x,y) * ERROR at line 4: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
Looks like a bug.
But in Oracle 12.2 something has changed. No, the bug was not fixed. Instead, it is now officially not supported:
SQL> select decode(grouping(x), 0, 'X='||x, 'Y='||y),
2 collect(z)
3 from t
4 group by grouping sets (x,y);
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-03001: unimplemented feature
-- tested in 12.2, 18.3 and 19.3
So, at least for now, the original query should remain as is:
SQL> select 'X='||x grp_by, collect(z) coll 2 from t 3 group by x 4 union all 5 select 'Y='||y, collect(z) 6 from t 7 group by y; GRP_BY COLL ---------- -------------------------------------------------- X=0 ST00001HGTfH6lTUWkKMCXAmZAQg=(2, 10, 8, 6, 4) X=1 ST00001HGTfH6lTUWkKMCXAmZAQg=(1, 9, 7, 5, 3) Y=0 ST00001HGTfH6lTUWkKMCXAmZAQg=(3, 9, 6) Y=1 ST00001HGTfH6lTUWkKMCXAmZAQg=(1, 10, 7, 4) Y=2 ST00001HGTfH6lTUWkKMCXAmZAQg=(2, 8, 5)
Hi Oren,
Just as a curiosity, using ROLLUP, which is a particular case of GROUPING SETS, does work, at least in 19c (tested in LiveSQL):
Using CUBE, instead, does produce the same ORA-03001 error
So, it looks to me that we can expect this problem to be corrected,
except if, maybe, Oracle is not aware of it (yet) ?!?
Cheers & Best Regards,
I had a Service Request opened two years ago and achieved that the following Bug was opened:
It was an interesting problem
(reproducible under Oracle and
raised error
The actual recursive SQL which got the error looked as follows, and I’d say there could be double quotes missing around the system generated type SYSTPUtlfyvX/VL7gU9AFdAqDKg==:
The table for this simple test case was created as follows: