Here is a small pipelined table function that gets one string that includes a delimited list of values, and returns these values as a table:
create or replace function split (i_str in varchar2, i_delimiter in varchar2 default ',') return sys.odcivarchar2list pipelined as l_current_string varchar2(4000) := i_str; l_pos binary_integer; begin if i_str is null then return; end if; loop l_pos := nullif(instr(l_current_string, i_delimiter), 0); pipe row(substr(l_current_string, 1, nvl(l_pos - 1, length(l_current_string)))); exit when l_pos is null; l_current_string := substr(l_current_string, l_pos + length(i_delimiter)); end loop; end split; /
Once the string is converted to a table, it is easy to manipulate it just like any “regular” table. For example:
select initcap(column_value) as name, length(column_value) as name_length from table(split('paris,london,rome,madrid')) order by column_value; NAME NAME_LENGTH ------------------------------ ----------- London 6 Madrid 6 Paris 5 Rome 4
Note that the default delimiter is a comma, but other characters (or sub-strings) may be specified:
select *
from table(split('Paris, France@@London, UK@@Rome, Italy@@Madrid, Spain',
Paris, France
London, UK
Rome, Italy
Madrid, Spain