PL/SQL Record Constants

Can we declare a PL/SQL constant that its type is a PL/SQL record?
Since a constant must get its value upon declaration, we have to construct a value of the appropriate type.

Example Setup

Consider the following example.
color_t is a record type that represents an RGB color value using 3 bytes (R, G and B).
The get_hex_code function gets a color_t parameter and returns the color’s hexadecimal format.
I’d like to declare constants for several colors (and then print their hex codes). What should come instead of the question marks?

create or replace package colors as
    subtype byte_t is binary_integer range 0 .. 255 not null;
    type color_t is record(
        r byte_t default 0,
        g byte_t default 0,
        b byte_t default 0);
    function get_hex_code(i_color in color_t) return varchar2;
    procedure print;
end colors;

create or replace package body colors as
    c_black  constant color_t := ?;
    c_white  constant color_t := ?;
    c_pink   constant color_t := ?;
    c_yellow constant color_t := ?;
    c_navy   constant color_t := ?;

    function get_hex_code(i_color in color_t) return varchar2 is
        return '#' || to_char(i_color.r, 'fm0x') || 
                      to_char(i_color.g, 'fm0x') || 
                      to_char(i_color.b, 'fm0x');
    end get_hex_code;

    procedure print is
        dbms_output.put_line('Black:  ' || get_hex_code(c_black));
        dbms_output.put_line('White:  ' || get_hex_code(c_white));
        dbms_output.put_line('Pink:   ' || get_hex_code(c_pink));
        dbms_output.put_line('Yellow: ' || get_hex_code(c_yellow));
        dbms_output.put_line('Navy:   ' || get_hex_code(c_navy));
    end print;
end colors;


In Oracle 12.2 and before we need to write a function and use it for initializing the constants. Something like construct_color in the following example:

SQL> create or replace package colors as
  2      subtype byte_t is binary_integer range 0 .. 255 not null;
  3      type color_t is record(
  4          r byte_t default 0,
  5          g byte_t default 0,
  6          b byte_t default 0);
  8      -- null parameters mean defaults from color_t
  9      function construct_color
 10      (
 11          r in binary_integer default null,
 12          g in binary_integer default null,
 13          b in binary_integer default null
 14      ) return color_t;
 16      function get_hex_code(i_color in color_t) return varchar2;
 17      procedure print;
 18  end colors;
 19  /

Package created.

SQL> create or replace package body colors as
  2      c_black  constant color_t := construct_color(0, 0, 0);
  3      c_white  constant color_t := construct_color(255, 255, 255);
  4      c_pink   constant color_t := construct_color(255, 192, 203);
  5      c_yellow constant color_t := construct_color(r => 255, g => 255);
  6      c_navy   constant color_t := construct_color(b => 128);
  8      function construct_color
  9      (
 10          r in binary_integer default null,
 11          g in binary_integer default null,
 12          b in binary_integer default null
 13      ) return color_t is
 14          v_color color_t;
 15      begin
 16          v_color.r := nvl(construct_color.r, v_color.r);
 17          v_color.g := nvl(construct_color.g, v_color.g);
 18          v_color.b := nvl(construct_color.b, v_color.b);
 19          return v_color;
 20      end construct_color;
 22      function get_hex_code(i_color in color_t) return varchar2 is
 23      begin
 24          return '#' || to_char(i_color.r, 'fm0x') || to_char(i_color.g, 'fm0x') || to_char(i_color.b, 'fm0x');
 25      end get_hex_code;
 27      procedure print is
 28      begin
 29          dbms_output.put_line('Black:  ' || get_hex_code(c_black));
 30          dbms_output.put_line('White:  ' || get_hex_code(c_white));
 31          dbms_output.put_line('Pink:   ' || get_hex_code(c_pink));
 32          dbms_output.put_line('Yellow: ' || get_hex_code(c_yellow));
 33          dbms_output.put_line('Navy:   ' || get_hex_code(c_navy));
 34      end print;
 35  end colors;
 36  /

Package body created.

SQL> exec colors.print
Black:  #000000
White:  #ffffff
Pink:   #ffc0cb
Yellow: #ffff00
Navy:   #000080

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Oracle 18c and Later

According to the Database PL/SQL Language Reference documentation (including the documentation for 18c, 19c and 20c):

When declaring a record constant, you must create a function that populates the record with its initial value and then invoke the function in the constant declaration.

And this is indeed what we did in the previous example.
But the documentation is outdated. As of Oracle 18c each PL/SQL record type has a default constructor (the formal name is Qualified Expressions). So we don’t have to write our own constructor function anymore:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SQL> create or replace package colors as
  2      subtype byte_t is binary_integer range 0 .. 255 not null;
  3      type color_t is record(
  4          r byte_t default 0,
  5          g byte_t default 0,
  6          b byte_t default 0);
  7      function get_hex_code(i_color in color_t) return varchar2;
  8      procedure print;
  9  end colors;
 10  /

Package created.

SQL> create or replace package body colors as
  2      c_black  constant color_t := color_t(0, 0, 0);
  3      c_white  constant color_t := color_t(255, 255, 255);
  4      c_pink   constant color_t := color_t(r => 255, g => 192, b => 203);
  5      c_yellow constant color_t := color_t(r => 255, g => 255);
  6      c_navy   constant color_t := color_t(b => 128);
  8      function get_hex_code(i_color in color_t) return varchar2 is
  9      begin
 10          return '#' || to_char(i_color.r, 'fm0x') || to_char(i_color.g, 'fm0x') || to_char(i_color.b, 'fm0x');
 11      end get_hex_code;
 13      procedure print is
 14      begin
 15          dbms_output.put_line('Black:  ' || get_hex_code(c_black));
 16          dbms_output.put_line('White:  ' || get_hex_code(c_white));
 17          dbms_output.put_line('Pink:   ' || get_hex_code(c_pink));
 18          dbms_output.put_line('Yellow: ' || get_hex_code(c_yellow));
 19          dbms_output.put_line('Navy:   ' || get_hex_code(c_navy));
 20      end print;
 21  end colors;
 22  /

Package body created.

SQL> exec colors.print
Black:  #000000
White:  #ffffff
Pink:   #ffc0cb
Yellow: #ffff00
Navy:   #000080

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 

Note that we can use either positional association (the first value is associated with r, the second with g, the third with b)

  2      c_black  constant color_t := color_t(0, 0, 0);
  3      c_white  constant color_t := color_t(255, 255, 255);

or named association

  4      c_pink   constant color_t := color_t(r => 255, g => 192, b => 203);

And since I declared the fields of color_t with 0 as the default value, I can omit some of the associations and the default value will be used for the construction:

  5      c_yellow constant color_t := color_t(r => 255, g => 255);
  6      c_navy   constant color_t := color_t(b => 128);

Yellow: #ffff00
Navy:   #000080


As part of the introduction of Qualified Expressions in 18c, a similar enhancement was added to PL/SQL associative arrays. I’ll show this in the next post.

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